Barbados is the birth place of RUM. Cockspur Five Star Fine RUM was established in 1884. Five Star is a three year blend that carries on the fine tradition of Barbados RUM distillation. Made from rich molassas, it's double distilled in copper pots with natural underground springs water.
Five Star is an 80 proof young RUM that has a fine winter-wheat hew. The cork sealed, old style, bubble neck bottle proudly boasts a royal green-breasted gamecock. Being a proud University of South Carolina Gamecock, I've enjoyed Cockspur Five Star at many a tailgate party.
The presentation of Cockspur Five Star is clean with strong legs. It's warm aroma carries a rich creamy butterscoth, slightly burnt carmel sweetness. Yum!
Drinking this one neat reveals a slightly sweet and spicy, middle-aged RUM that has a dry, lightly oaky flavor. Putting it over ice brings out more of the oak flavor and better reveals it's light butterscotch heart.
This RUM is almost too good to mix with my standard Coke Zero but it's too young to consistently drink straight. The oaky, dry spice flavor makes for an interesting mix with the sweetness of the Coke Zero. After a few sips I noticed a buttery, bananas foster linger that I was not expecting. Good stuff. 7.5 of 10
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