With my family in town for the holidays, I invited my two brother-in-laws to join me in a RUM tasting. Since I had been drinking Kraken and Ginger Ale with dinner I thought I'd pull a number of Spiced RUMs out for us to sample.
I pulled out six Spiced RUMs: Seven Tiki Spiced RUM, Ron Diaz Gran Reserva Spiced RUM, Whaler's Spiced RUM, Kraken Black Spiced RUM, Tropic Isle Palms Spiced Cask RUM and Voodoo Spiced RUM.
Because my brothers are not regular drinkers I decided to keep the tasting informal. As we tried each RUM we talked about eachs appearance, aroma, taste and linger.
We were surprised by the lack of Spicyness with most of the samples. Only Seven Tiki and Kraken really showed traditional Spicy flavors while the Whaler's and Tropic Isle Palms were much sweeter than expected. All of the RUMs were good but none were truly great. We ranked them as follows:
1. Seven Tiki
2. Kraken
3. Whaler's
4. Voodoo
5. Ron Diaz Gran Reserva
6. Tropic Isle Palms
We all had a good time, got a little tipsy and I think my brothers have a better appreciation of RUM and eachs unique flavor.