Friday, January 22, 2010
Rum Bars
I have been to Pat Croce's RUM Barrel, in Key West, FL. With Johnny Depp proportedly being a part-owner, this RUM bar is themed completely in Pirate's of the Caribbean. Ask to see the 120+ RUM book to choose your spirit or flight. Lastly, checkout the Pirate Soul Museum next door.
Cuba Libre is about to open their fourth RUM bar, this one in Washington, DC. You can also find them in Philadelphia, Atlantic City, and Orlando. Themed like Old Havana throughout, this RUM bar is a cultural party every day. Be sure to try their own "Cuba Libre" brand RUMs, distilled by Demerara Distillers.
Doc Ford's Rum Bar & Grill on Sanibel Island, FL is another fun RUM bar that I've visited. Owned by author Randy Wayne White, the place is named after MARION "DOC" FORD, who is the hero and main character in several of White's best-selling novels. Huh, it looks like they've also opened a new location on Ft. Myer's Beach, FL too.
RUM Bar in Philadelphia looks to be a great spot to bring out the pirate in you. Their RUM list is extensive (200+) and they run nightly specials.
Other RUM bars I found:
Smuggler's Cove (San Francisco, CA)
Woody's Rum Bar and Island Grill (Baltimore, MD)
Mojitos Restaurant and Rum Bar (Los Angeles, CA)
The Volcano Room & Rum Bar at Bottom Lounge (Chicago, IL)
Rum Bar at Panama Hattie's (North Palm Beach, FL)
Cruzan RUM bar (North Palm Beach, FL)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ron Cubaney Anejo Reserva 5yr.

I actually bought this RUM a couple of years ago while in Key West, FL. I've held onto the last two drinks of this one longer than I should have, much to the shagrin of Mrs. The Rum Trader.
There are a number of things I love about this RUM: The bottle is tall and thin, they've included a "bottled" date, the RUM has a nice amber color and the label shows a turn-of-the-century photo of Cuba.
Like I mentioned above, this RUM has a nice shaded, amber tone with fairly nice legs. Pouring into my glass I notice the RUM has a nice smokey, slightly sugary aroma with no noticable alcohol smell; which is nice for a relatively young, five-year-old RUM. I also detected notes of toffee, orange cream and a light vanilla.
Without ice: This was a nice sipper. With a slight burn, you'll immediately notice the smokey, oakey, peppery notes. Yum! The finish is uniquely good with a slight citrus taste mixed with a mossy burberry hint. With ice: The burn disappears and the smokey, peppery flavor takes over nearly completely. Good!
With Coke Zero: I really enjoyed this RUM with Coke. I wrote down "silky smooth" and that about captures it. I taste the smoked barrel, the pepper, the carmel, the spice, etc. The linger here is most enjoyable with a mixture of carmel, toffee and herbal spice. Delectable: 8.5 of 10
Monday, January 4, 2010
Margaritaville RUMs coming soon! Finally!?!?

The Margaritaville RUM site has added additional details and descriptions concerning their RUM line to their website. Originally they had announced a launch date of Summer 2009 but until now we've heard nothing. I look forward to trying their four types: Dark, Silver, Spiced and Coconut. My expectations are very low based on the abhorent taste of the Margaritaville Tequila so I hope to find myself at least some what surprised by one of the flavors.
Bermudez Don Armando (Ron Anejo 10 Anos)